Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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WSS Search Broken – Fix Your Loopback

Ok, there can be a number of reasons for your search to break, but due to a number of recent situations and patches, here’s a new one cropping up quite a bit lately. I’m outlining the symptoms I ran into tonight (your situation may differ).   The Issue   Search is busted. All of a …

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How to create a “Back” button on a SharePoint Dashboard

Well, gotta love the power of smart friends. I’m more of an SMB/SharePoint Infrastructure guy, however, I do some SharePoint Development (not really in .NET, think of me as the go between, in Designer). Anyways, I needed to know how to create a ‘back’ button on a Specialized SharePoint site that was acting as a …

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Where to find the WSS 3.0 Default Databases to recover, in a Disaster

Someone asked me this tonight, and sure enough, maybe this post will help someone at 3am (when this stuff usually goes down), where they have a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) setup, have a catastrophic failure and can’t recover from backups, but instead need to find stuff from all that is left on the disk …

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WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) scheduled for release April 28, 2009

Microsoft Office Sustained Engineering released the date for the arrival of SP2 for SharePoint – April 28, 2009 (reference:   Some of the big improvements (at least from my perspective) coming include: Revised/improved documentation and knowledge base articles The Microsoft Save As PDF or XPS add-in has been built into Office applications in SP2. …

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Great CEWP Sampling Resource (Content Editor Web Part)

Stumbled across this day and couldn’t resist bookmarking it for myself, as I’m sure I’ll be reusing some of these CEWP’s (Content Editor Web Parts). Kudos to the author for building a great resource: (the site) CEWP and XML Examples in Action CEWP’s for Downloading

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Considerations for storing files larger than 50MB in SharePoint

This question was raised in our little Canadian MVP circle today and I figured if I took the time to reply to the email, I could take the time to post the answer to the blog as well. So… the default maximum file size for uploading to SharePoint is 50MB. This is of course very …

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SharePoint is Amazing – Nobody is Happy

I’m a SharePoint fan (and presumably one of the reasons M$ expressed interest in awarding me the MVP, of which I’m very proud of the consideration).  Maybe I’m even a bit of a homer about it (a homer, for all you non-hockey fans is someone that backs up your team and only sees the positive, …

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SharePoint List Migration Approaches

I frequently find myself helping small business ‘migrate’ data from one SharePoint site to another (usually because they rushed into their first site design and realized after the fact, that wanted to start again, but to take some data with them). So, okay, business is business, I’m always happy to help. The challenge is, which …

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VMWare ESX vs ESXi and purchasing Foundation – the way I see it

If you have played with VMWare ESXi for a while and tried to monitor the underlying hardware with any degree of success (SNMP), give it up.  Although the future looks a little brighter with HP providing some functionality with ‘their’ version of ESXi, the reality for us, as a business, when recommending VMWare virtualization to …

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Office 2007 SP2 Build 12.0.6416.1000 Leaked and Available for Download

Office 2007 SP2 Build 12.0.6416.1000 Leaked and Available for Download Not big news for SharePoint fans but there is one SharePoint benefit (nevermind the fact that Office 2007 will be more stable, which is good for everyone) in the upcoming Office 2007 SP2.  Note, the build in question is not final release – I’m sharing …

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