Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Cool – Achieved new rank on Experts Exchange Today

Guru sounds nice. Not sure I believe it.  But I’ll take it.  Nice to be recognized anyways.  Nobody is an ‘Expert’ in SharePoint (Guru, or otherwise) but if someone wants to pin that to me, I’ll wear it.  Got a free T-Shirt, which one should never turn down… 🙂     itgroove

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Great SharePoint Designer Conditional Formatting Reference

This is a great resource and I know I’ll have trouble finding it later, so I’m bookmarking it here on my blog:   In particular, it was useful today for me, to figure out how to show some differing icons in dataview webparts based on today’s data plus the next 7 days, etc. Some …

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Clearing (IIS Logfiles) Disk Space on Windows Servers

Although there are a number of techniques and places to look to clear disk space on a Windows server, including pruning SQL transaction logs, removing HIBERFIL.SYS, moving the pagefile to another drive, one of the most effective I’ve found has been removing HTTP logs that get accumulated daily (particularly if you have turned logging on, …

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Busted SharePoint Site Collection Administrator Permissions

I ran into an issue tonight with a client’s WSS install where NOBODY was a Site Collection Administrator. Sure enough, the accounts were listed there (and I even validated/tried Farm Administrators, modifying in Central Admin, etc.). My account was there, but no matter what I did, I didn’t have the permissions I required – I …

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SharePoint FBA – Links and Limitations

I was looking for a comprehensive list of limitations to using FBA tonight (Forms Based Authentication) and I stumbled across a few good resources that I’m bookmarking for myself here (and if they’ve just helped you, then great). Links Extranet Collaboration toolkit for SharePoint – Yet to use it but looks promising for ‘next …

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