I was looking for a comprehensive list of limitations to using FBA tonight (Forms Based Authentication) and I stumbled across a few good resources that I’m bookmarking for myself here (and if they’ve just helped you, then great).
Extranet Collaboration toolkit for SharePoint – http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc268155.aspx
- Yet to use it but looks promising for ‘next time’
Forms Base Authentication Tools and Utils for SharePoint 2007 – http://fba.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?title=basic%20FBA%20user%20and%20role%20management
- Provide management of your user accounts/roles from within a SharePoint Site
Enable Forms-Based Authentication for a Windows SharePoint Services Site Collection (Using IIS 7) – http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/dd251268.aspx
- Webcast, showing process for IIS 7
- FBA Walkthrough – http://www.devcow.com/blogs/jdattis/archive/2007/03/01/Office-SharePoint-Server-2007-Forms-Based-Authentication-FBA-w-MySites-Walkthrough-Part-2.aspx
Configuring ISA Server and FBA – Securing your SharePoint Sites with ISA 2006 using Forms Based Authentication
- Nice Walkthrough of the process
AD LDS, SharePoint and Forms Based Authentication (formerly ADAM) – http://www.gk.id.au/2009/05/ad-lds-sharepoint-and-forms-based.html
- Haven’t tried this yet but already like the idea of using AD LDS over the SQL Provider
FBA Limitations References
Everything I know about SharePoint FBA (by the SharePoint Hillbilly) – http://geekswithblogs.net/SoYouKnow/archive/2009/03/11/everything-i-know-about-sharepoint-fba.aspx
- Quick read, some good links there
SharePoint Limitations and Options (by the Nimble Coder) – http://nimblecoder.com/blog/archive/2008/04/23/sharepoint-fba-limitations-and-options.aspx
- Great, screenshots, always helpful – demonstrating some of the differences you’ll experience with client integration turned off
Microsoft Information – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb977430.aspx
- Spells out some limitations in there as well
I’ll endeavour to add to this as time goes on, if I remember. 🙂