Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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BrainLitter – Now you can give Beers of Thanks

  Beer Me! Ok, I’ve been told I’ve helped a number of people, over the years, with my postings (in newsgroups and such) and my blog ( And people always tell me oh, I owe you a beer”, or “if you were nearby, I’d drop you a six pack” or “if you are ever in …

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SharePoint Intranet “Pass through” Authentication

For pass through (also referred to as Challenge/Response) authentication to work, you need to configure Internet Explorer to put those sites in the ‘Intranet’ zone. This also assumes that the Windows client machine (XP Pro or Vista Business) is a member of a ‘domain’. You can accomplish a ‘trusted’ SharePoint login via the following:   …

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Error 1326 trying to connect to user sessions on a terminal server

We recently encountered an issue where Terminal Services was installed on a Domain Controller, and an administrator would try and use the ‘Connect To’ feature built into Terminal Services Manager, but would result in error. Whenever an administrator tried to ‘Connect To’ a Terminal Server user session, the administrator would be prompted to enter the …

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More on the Windows Server 2003 SP2 – SNP (Scalable Networking Pack) issue

Well, this is getting more and more interesting… Nevermind the SNP feature pack in SP2 for Windows Server 2003 sucks and that this patch helps reverse it… But better still, after applying the patch (and in general, these symptoms occur), applying a reboot to a server that has just been patched, using a Remote …

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Wierd – keyboard works for Windows XP Logon but not once logged on

Well, this was a wierd one and worthy of blogging. After much troubleshooting (of hardware, drivers, fresh profiles, etc. using the file transfer settings wizard, which migrated the ‘problem’ :)… A user could login to Windows XP, but could not use the keyboard once logged on. In fact, the keyboard appeared powered up but even …

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Could not open netlogon batch file from UNC

I kept getting this, which was driving me crazy: windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file” Turns out, that although I was referencing a UNC, that the IE7 advanced security settings were bunging it all up. I could view the share contents (.bat file) on the local computer but not remotely. So, to …

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