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SpaceMonger – Great tool for freeing up disk space
Today I discovered SpaceMonger. After giving it a go, I was impressed enough that I felt I needed to share a few key things about it. What You’ve probably seen tools out there already that show you how much free disk space you have on your PC. Home grown scripts, batch files, and various other …
Read onHelp Eliminate annoying 1111 System Event Log Entries
You know what I’m talking about. You are wading through Event Logs on a server and see a bunch of event logs you are going to ignore, but look critical. RED. EXCLAMATION POINTS! Ack! While there are ways to turn this off server side (though I’m still looking for the trick on 2012, must find …
Read onWhat are your “Pain Points”? We’d like to help.
itgroove is a business technology solutions provider. We have lots of tools and technology available that can be used to solve any number of business issues. And we have the knowledge and experience to map the solutions out for you, as well as the skills to implement the needed hardware, software and procedures. You have …
Read onWindows 8 and Server 2012 are coming!
Woot! It is now confirmed that Windows 8 and Server 2012 have gone gold/RTM (released to manufacturing). We’ll have our hands on it August 15th by the sounds of it. Learn More: Microsoft RTMs final Windows 8 and Server 2012 code Of course for our customers, we don’t recommend jumping in until you have properly …
Read onNot so fast Apple. Sneaky, but you were caught…
We’ve been saying it for a decade or more. OF COURSE MAC’s can get viruses. The reason they didn’t is when they owned 0.005% of the industry, the script kiddies didn’t care about attacking them, because there would be no splash, no notoriety – because really all it is about for them is ego anyways. …
Read onWhy Good Hardware Doesn’t Ensure Good Networking and Communication
Given that you can’t have good technology without good technology, a lot of business owners and managers assume that having the best, top-of-the-line hardware naturally assures that their company will have great networking and communication. That’s not always the case, however, and even spending huge amounts of money on having the latest and greatest hardware, …
Read onPinging from Windows and ensuring you get an IPv4 response, not an IPv6 gobbledygook
Oh gawd. The world is running out of IP Addresses and according to some, it happened 2+ years ago. Meh. But, IPv6 is coming and of course, Windows for a long time now has had native support for it. The challenge is, with DNS registrations, quite often you’ll get the IPv6 response from a ping, …
Read onHow to expose Network Bindings in Windows 7
If you suffer from having many network bindings like I do (several VPN clients and a need to tinker), getting to the appropriate options is buried in Windows 7. So, I thought I’d spell it out quick. 1. In your Network and Sharing Center, choose “Change Adapter Settings” 2. Choose Organize, Layout, Menu Bar 3. …
Read onI was called by the Computer Department Help Desk Scam–I Recorded it for fun tonight
We’ve had a number of calls in the last week (probably 4, would swear it is the same woman even). After yelling at her a few times and/or being outright mean and cruel (she doesn’t get sympathy…), tonight I thought I’d play along and record it. I missed the beginning as I was on the …
Read onRobert has a blog!
My colleague Robert Dick has started a blog (maybe a little at my nagging). He has a lot of valuable experience that no doubt others will benefit from, so please head on over to The Beagle” and get ready to some learnin’ from the old pro. (really old… like, he can still vividly remember storming …
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