Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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CGI errors with Joomla 1.5 on IIS?

Got this? CGI ErrorThe specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. You probably turned on ‘Search Engine Friendly URL’s in your Global Configuration. My webhost (Crystaltech) uses IIS for the webhost, and this setting doesn’t work on IIS (only Apache from what I’ve read). So turn that off… 🙂

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PHP install on IIS – get 404 error after

PHP – amateur hour on the installer and I went with the latest… Anyways, found the reason why PHP pages wouldn’t display (of any kind) and I was getting 404 errors instead. Turns out after installing PHP and having it configure IIS, it would use the 8.3 file name in the IIS, website, properties, Home …

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LCD vs Plasma. Oh Please, these are weak arguments for Plasma…

Still totally happy with my LCD (probably because it it 120mhz) and the comments about Plasma being cheaper are balogne from what I have seen, quite the opposite – at least here in Victoria. The LCD I bought was $1500 cheaper than the equivalent Plasma in the store – and the LCD looked 30% better …

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Quick, Cheap and Easy Domain Awareness Ideas

As a little bit of value add for you, from your friends here at itgroove. We wanted to share 2 ways you can help your business be found on the Internet, by search engines and in particular, the most used one – Google (there are MANY techniques so we kept this first set of suggestions …

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