Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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SharePoint is not a tool, it is a Framework

I made this slide/picture for a customer the other day to try and demonstrate visually how SharePoint could/should/would be the GO TO platform for all upcoming and future business processes (try it in SharePoint first, then look at other products if the need came up) and eventually retrofit existing projects/processes into SharePoint as well. Anyways, …

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MVP Expert Chat tomorrow/Wednesday!

As per the following link (, there will be an MVP expert chat that yours truly will be taking part of. Hope to see you there!   Join the event by going here:   Event Description Q&A with the SharePoint MVP ExpertsDo you have tough technical questions regarding SharePoint for which you’re seeking answers? …

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Book Coming…

Whew, look at that. 4 posts in June and this is the first for July. Tsk tsk… What can I say? It’s summer, we took a family work/play trip to Bermuda and then celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary by taking a cruise to Alaska. Pile in-between both of those, lots of work, some gigs and …

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Calculated Columns Reference

Don’t mind me. Just stumbled across this great reference tonight for Calculated Column syntax examples and had to bookmark it for myself (or maybe you too).   And for a list of Calculation Operators:   Great examples in there for stuff like:   Conditional Formulas Data and Time Formulas Math Formulas Test Formulas …

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SharePoint Guids – Migration Woes

Don’t mind me. I’m just storing some Feature and other GUID’s that I had to reverse engineer during SharePoint 2007 to 2010 Upgrades. Perhaps, when someone is googling, they will stumble across these and be glad that I did (so they can use the appropriate uninstaller and/or find the missing pieces they need:   ID …

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SharePoint 2010 treats PDF (and other file types) as insecure

The problem In SharePoint 2010, SharePoint web applications (thus this is a per ‘url’ setting, for content, My Sites, etc.) ‘browser file handling’ is set to ‘strict’ be default.   The Result When you try to open a PDF (or other file types), you will have the option to open to read/edit but then be …

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SharePoint provides page with Link ID 177673

Getting this?     Server error:   It may be because your environment is being upgraded right now from SharePoint 2007 (or WSS 3.0) to SharePoint 2010. I figured I’d take a second to post this. I know my environment is being upgraded (’cause I’m the one doing it) but I was surprised to …

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SharePoint 2010 PreUpgradeCheck – Web Part Whack-a-Mole

    I have been preparing our itgroove Corporate MOSS 2007 environment for an upgrade to SharePoint 2010. Tonight was the night to complete the last little bits before the big (in place, I like to live dangerously) upgrade. I’ve done a few database attach upgrades already and those were too straightforward, so nothing like …

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SharePoint 2010 Looks great on the iPad

A friend asked for screenshots the other day. So, here they are as I had ’em on hand. Figure 1 – SP2010 Home Page with Wiki Home Page On   Figure 2 – Site Actions Figure 3 – Ribbon bar – love it!

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How to send a SharePoint list entry form to a thank you page

While there are a number of techniques out there to present users with an alternate location to end up after submitting content to a SharePoint list, this one is quick and easy and effective and worthy of spending 10 minutes documenting on a Friday night (brew in hand).   The Business Problem   Upon entering …

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