Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Office 365 is coming

The next version (or renaming) of BPOS, the Microsoft Online Business Suite (SharePoint, Exchange, OCS which is now Lync) is looking pretty shiny. Looks to hit in early 2011 and also encouraging, it looks like Canada won’t be the forgotten stepchild that gets the products and services 6 months later this time.   Details This …

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SharePoint HomePage Dashboard Suggestions

Somebody asked in the Microsoft forums today and I figured I would share my answer here in case it helped someone along the way. The Question Anyone have any thoughts on what kind of content is good for a corporate SharePoint portal home page? The following are some things I can things of: Company News …

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SharePoint MVP’s Expert Chat Wednesday AM

Come out and join an all-star cast of SharePoint MVP’s as they answer a firing line of questions.   Go to:   September 29, 20109:00 – 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time Q&A with the SharePoint MVP ExpertsDo you have tough technical questions regarding SharePoint for which you’re seeking answers? Do you want to tap into …

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Major ASP.NET Vulnerability

To our valued clients,   itgroove wants to let you know about an important security risk that has been discovered.   Microsoft has advised it partners and customers worldwide of a vulnerability in one of the backend fundamental components of SharePoint – – that can allow an attacker to penetrate and manipulate SharePoint installations.  …

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The Given Key Was Not Present in the Dictionary – SharePoint 2010 Error

Ok, I’ve run into this enough times now that I figure folks may not stumble across the Technet article that has already discussed this ( I’ve seen this in three scenarios so far:   Number One: When running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard, if the account you have defined for your SQL Server connection is different …

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Yawn… The SharePoint “Killer” is dead

This is comical… (Exerpt: “Google’s attempt to reinvent e-mail has fizzled. The company said Wednesday it is pulling the plug on Google Wave, a collaborative tool that drew intense attention when it debuted last year.”)     Better still is this is once again living proof that Google “dabbles” with technology when it comes …

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I have a face for blogging

I was asked to partake in a “what are you excited about in SharePoint 2010” video interview back in February of this year at the MVP Summit in Redmond. It was released today and alas, they used a bit of my stuff in portions of it after all. Have a look if you are interested. …

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Easy Tabs Rock – v5 Beta is looking really good

Yippee! Easy Tabs 5 is out (in Beta, your mileage will vary) and looking good. I’ve actually deployed it in house, in production as I plan to simply replace the textfile holding the script with the final version when he has finished his masterpiece – one upload, all tickety-boo. So What? Easy Tabs is a …

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