Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Victoria, BC – This year marks the 10th anniversary for local Victoria technology firm, itgroove Professional Services Ltd. From its inception as a one-man home office business to its present status as a growing team of technology professionals, the one constant has been delivering technology support that works for its customers. With 20 years in …

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Victoria, BC – This year marks the 10th anniversary for local Victoria technology firm, itgroove Professional Services Ltd. From its inception as a one-man home office business to its present status as a growing team of technology professionals, the one constant has been delivering technology support that works for its customers. With 20 years in …

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What are your “Pain Points”? We’d like to help.

itgroove is a business technology solutions provider. We have lots of tools and technology available that can be used to solve any number of business issues. And we have the knowledge and experience to map the solutions out for you, as well as the skills to implement the needed hardware, software and procedures. You have …

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Why Good Hardware Doesn’t Ensure Good Networking and Communication

Given that you can’t have good technology without good technology, a lot of business owners and managers assume that having the best, top-of-the-line hardware naturally assures that their company will have great networking and communication. That’s not always the case, however, and even spending huge amounts of money on having the latest and greatest hardware, …

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7 Signs You’ll Eventually Hate Your IT Company… if You Don’t Already

There are a lot of businesses that love their outsourced IT providers, and couldn’t imagine going without them. On the other hand, there are also more than a few who aren’t happy with the service and technology support they’re getting, and are actively counting down the days until their current agreement ends. Obviously, you want …

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One Reason Billable Hours Usually Cost Less Than You Think

Is good SharePoint (and/or General IT) support from an outsourced company expensive? The answer to that question depends a great deal on who you ask, and on the perspective you take on the value of a solid IT provider. Allow me to explain: Simply looking at the hourly rates most experienced, professional IT providers ask …

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Another Happy Customer–BCAAFC

It’s hard being an IT guy sometimes (I won’t whimper or explain why but trust that It’s Not Easy Being Green… Anyways, when someone says something nice about your team and your work, you should share it – or at a minimum, I’m GOING to share it.  So good job Rob and team! Robert I …

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Fantastic and Fair Priced SharePoint Documentation Tool

Stumbled across this gem today.  The Documentation Toolkit for SharePoint from Acceleratio Ltd. As any SharePoint professional knows, SharePoint combines ease of use and the ability to change software to suit your business needs and requirements rapidly. That is the positive of SharePoint. The negative is the expectations that come on IT to be equally …

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SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SBS 2011

Thanks to some recon from Robert (and his lab ;), I’ve got some answers to some questions that folks may have up front about SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SBS 2011 so I figured I’d provide it in a quick FAQ format: Question: Does SBS 2011, without the Premium full SQL Server add-on install using SQL …

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Robert has a blog!

My colleague Robert Dick has started a blog (maybe a little at my nagging). He has a lot of valuable experience that no doubt others will benefit from, so please head on over to The Beagle” and get ready to some learnin’ from the old pro. (really old… like, he can still vividly remember storming …

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