Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Business Class Wireless

Why Business Class Wireless? At itgroove, our motto is to “get it working for you”. We like to build things that work well, are polished, and most importantly, make your lives easier. Our Business Class Wireless solution was born from a need we had in our own office to find a better way to connect …

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itgroove – Cloud Friendly, Office 365 Ready – Now in Canada, eh?

Well, we’ve been building up our team to this and knew it was coming. Today was the day.  Microsoft Datacenters, in Canada.  This was the final roadblock for many in order to start to the path towards fixed costs for Email, File Sharing, Teleconferencing and just about all your team needs.  Office 365 and Azure …

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10 do’s and don’ts for blogging

The next two posts are part of a Small Business Marketing series that was intended to be on a Microsoft based site for “Small Biz Hacks”. Unfortunately, Microsoft never followed through with the site or series but it was a joy to work with Luanne Brown and it would be a shame to throw this …

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3 reasons blogging may be good for your small business

The next two posts are part of a Small Business Marketing series that was intended to be on a Microsoft based site for “Small Biz Hacks”. Unfortunately, Microsoft never followed through with the site or series but it was a joy to work with Luanne Brown and it would be a shame to throw this …

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itgroove’s Cloud Position Statement

I asked Uncle Rob to clearly articulate our Cloud Position Statement.  We felt it was important to clarify once again that while we are “Cloud Friendly and Office 365 Ready”, we don’t push the cloud (or warrant it for that matter – the SLA of Office 365 is direct with Microsoft).  There is no argument …

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PayPal Here is, well, almost here

In the US first anyways… PayPal Here, is, er, almost here… It’s the Windows equivalent to “Square” and not ironically, it is a triangle instead. :). Clever marketing to push it with the Surface and Windows Apps to give them a shot in the arm. Learn more about PayPal Here with the Surface Pro

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Microsoft Social Blog Series with itgroove Contributions

Microsoft recently wrote up several articles, focusing on blogging from a small business standpoint and they interviewed us here at itgroove (Hi and Thanks Luanne, that was fun!) and included our feedback. You can see the results of those efforts below: Introductory Article Is blogging right for your small business? Related Articles 10 do’s …

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Asian Domain Name Scam Breakdown

The following post of mine and video was pretty popular regarding the Computer Department Help Desk, so I thought I’d share another one that is zipping around the ole Interweb.  The idea/scam is that your domain/company name is desired by someone in Asia and that you have an opportunity to stake your company name on …

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Introducing the itgroove Support Orb

Ah the things that give me pleasure itgroove is SharePoint-centric. Our documents, holiday request forms, client info, – everything – goes into SharePoint in our shop. We also use SharePoint as our issue tracking system – new internal and client requests wind up created as SharePoint List Items, which are in turn assigned to our …

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Don’t let Rush get snubbed by the hall again!

Dear Canada and friends south of the border.  Rush has been snubbed countless times from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because they haven’t been “commercial” enough. Yet, almost no band in history has accomplished more than these guys AND they actually perform live with real skills, talent and without putting on a gong …

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