Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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How to implement SSL Certs (for OWA, etc.) in Exchange 2007

These instructions were prepared for QuoVadis (great place to get your SSL and Unified UCC SAN Certs from – Document Deliverables Microsoft Exchange 2007 requires SSL certificates to be configured/installed in a particular manner, to ensure support of the various ‘Subject Alternative Names’ the server might be found on, depending on the service one …

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I’m now an SharePoint MVP – How cool is that?

Well, what do ya know?  Apparently, Microsoft loves, my love for SharePoint (and all those other related things I do – SharePoint, Windows Server, Exchange, SQL, IIS, ASP.NET – you know, all those things that SharePoint works with – I think I was ‘built’ to be a SharePoint Guy).     I was awarded with …

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SharePoint 10016 CLSID DCOM Errors and How you fix ’em

I’m constantly seeing this in environments where the simple fix is applied (darn you IIS WAMREG and your damned Local Activation whining). On a Windows 2008 R2 box and finding that registry key is greyed out/unavailable?  Be sure to check this out first…   1.    Go into regedit and expand out HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 2. Go …

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BrainLitter – Now you can give Beers of Thanks

  Beer Me! Ok, I’ve been told I’ve helped a number of people, over the years, with my postings (in newsgroups and such) and my blog ( And people always tell me oh, I owe you a beer”, or “if you were nearby, I’d drop you a six pack” or “if you are ever in …

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