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Exchange 2007 Foreign Hosts – Allow SMTP Relay
This article was critical to helping allow us to have (in our case, Backup Exec) relay SMTP messages against our internal Exchange 2007 Server. Well worth bookmarking…
Read onHow to allow 3rd party systems to relay SMTP off of an Exchange 2007 Server
The article below, turned out to be very useful, for when you need to configure SMTP Relay, on an Exchange 2007 Server (single server, no EDGE). It’s not as straightforward as it once was, that is for sure, though I like the idea of making it a bit more difficult, to avoid mistakes. Very …
Read onOne fix for Failed to update recipient returned an error -2147023286 from the Address List Service in Exchange 2007
Ran into the following today and appears the ‘ole Internet is littered with reasons for the possibility of it happening, none of which applied to me. So, here’s my addition to that list… I got this… Failed to update recipient “ – CA1/Users/itgroove Test User”. The following exception occurred: Exchange Server 2007 …
How to configure Single Exchange Server 2007 Anti-Spam Agents
While it is always recommended to separate your ‘front-end’ Exchange Server (Edge) from the back-end (your Hub Transport), your budget doesn’t always allow this. So, to enable the following functions, on your standalone Exchange implementation… Connection Filtering Agent Content Filter Agent Sender ID Agent Sender Filter Agent Recipient Filter Agent Protocol Analysis Agent You …
Read onTest Exchange and Outlook Connectivity – Outlook Anywhere, ActiveSync, OWA
Here is a great tool (if incomplete, though best intentioned – I look forward to the troubleshooting suggestions being completed), for testing the following in your configuration: Outlook Web Access (OWA) Outlook Anywhere (RPC/HTTPS) SMTP AutoDiscover Check out
Read onOnline Change Control – Major Change the Online Change Register
gotta toot your own horn once in a while… Solution Name: Major Change: A web-based application designed to allow small and medium-sized businesses to easily implement and coordinate the change management process within their IT environments. Major Change is the Online Change Register Solution Description: Uncontrolled changes to an IT environment are the …
How to Upload your .PST file to your mailbox
The following are useful instructions for anyone, but in particular for hosted Outlook users recently migrated. This procedure makes it simple to take your existing (probably POP3) Outlook client PST and post all of that data on your new, hosted Exchange Mailbox. NOTE: Be sure to turn OFF any anti-virus software, as it will slow …
Read onBrainLitter – Now you can give Beers of Thanks
Beer Me! Ok, I’ve been told I’ve helped a number of people, over the years, with my postings (in newsgroups and such) and my blog ( And people always tell me oh, I owe you a beer”, or “if you were nearby, I’d drop you a six pack” or “if you are ever in …
Read onNote on Configuring RPC/HTTPS (Outlook Anywhere), on multi-homed SBS Server
First off, hats off to the Petri site for a really good ‘single server/SBS Server’ RPC/HTTPS documentation resource at: Note that it will work, without the following (back-end selected in the GUI) if the server is single homed, which is most common. However, there is a little bit of extra magic done, when …
Read onReally helpful Exchange 2007 SMTP ‘Receiver’ Blog
I found this very valuable, so I’ve bookmarked it for myself.
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