Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Simple But Effective Techie Troubleshooting Tip

Someone asked this on Experts Exchange today, so I posted my 2 bits. As someone who daily runs into a ‘gosh, that’s weird or new’ in technology, I find this simple but effective technical troubleshooting/research technique very useful. As simple as my comments might be, if you aren’t doing this ‘method’ when googling/investigating errors, etc. …

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I’m now an SharePoint MVP – How cool is that?

Well, what do ya know?  Apparently, Microsoft loves, my love for SharePoint (and all those other related things I do – SharePoint, Windows Server, Exchange, SQL, IIS, ASP.NET – you know, all those things that SharePoint works with – I think I was ‘built’ to be a SharePoint Guy).     I was awarded with …

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Simple Windows Time Synchronization Steps

Never mind the Shaw issues of late, keep in mind that the idiot George W and his ‘gosh, I like to muck with father time so we can find and sell more oil’ DST change the other day, may well be having a larger impacting/sweeping effect.   So, here’s my quick hit list for how …

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How to Refresh a SharePoint Sandbox Collection with Production

Monday, March 09, 2009 4:51 PM This guide has been created to provide the necessary steps to ‘refresh’ a Sandbox Collection (Different Web Application) with Production Data, so that it can be ‘played with’ without breaking the Production Implementation.     Note on Authentication/Permissions: Ensure you perform these tasks with an account that has full …

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Password Lengths and Complexity – Our Philosophy

Over the years, I’ve seen lots of talk on the use of long passwords and complex passwords, etc. and I’ve narrowed the noise down to two options, that we recommend to our clients (and I tend to lean towards the 2nd option). In order to maintain good security (and to satisfy management security concerns), we …

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Notepad Change Control Trick – Pop Up Change Controls!

Another standard (and neat NotePad trick) at itgroove. Pop-up Change Control prompts for servers.   Here’s the deal… Installation 1. On every server, you place the (TWO) txt files (compressed in the ZIP), in the All UsersStartup folder (I’ve put a copy of these files on my Blog at: /wp-content/uploads/brainlitter/brainlitterarchive/sharepoint/SharePointDox/Change%20Control%20Text%20Files/ – Windows Server 2003 and …

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