Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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10 do’s and don’ts for blogging

The next two posts are part of a Small Business Marketing series that was intended to be on a Microsoft based site for “Small Biz Hacks”. Unfortunately, Microsoft never followed through with the site or series but it was a joy to work with Luanne Brown and it would be a shame to throw this …

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3 reasons blogging may be good for your small business

The next two posts are part of a Small Business Marketing series that was intended to be on a Microsoft based site for “Small Biz Hacks”. Unfortunately, Microsoft never followed through with the site or series but it was a joy to work with Luanne Brown and it would be a shame to throw this …

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More on Inbox Zero

Karin has been knocking out some awesome videos lately.  Today she kicked off our “Office 365 Bytes” with a summary of what I’ve been ranting about for some time – the quest for Inbox Zero (or an empty Inbox at the end of the day). If you follow my blog at all, you’ll see I …

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Inbox Un-Insanity – Follow Up and editing previous emails

What I thought I’d share a “Pro Tip” today. Perhaps it doesn’t work for everyone but here’s the “Why” for me. I’m an “Inbox Zero” kind of guy and strive to get there every day. I do most days, so pat on the back to me 😉 However, I don’t like the “weight” of tasks. …

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Our Support Platform is Complete – Power Admin for the Win!

What Over the years, we have used dozens of management products. They’ve all tried to shoehorn us into delivering IT “their way”. You know, Managed Services, MSP, blah blah blah. Well, Victoria has demonstrated repeatedly that they don’t want this type of service (and in this Cloud First world, nor do many others up to …

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New Case Studies

The team has been hard at work putting some of our stories (Case Studies) to paper (pshaw… I mean digital/PDF). Check ’em out! Effective Advocacy with Agency-wide Access to Accurate Information See more at: Transforming Technology for Business Growth See more at:  

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Site Collections for the Win

I did a presentation for the Victoria SharePoint User Group recently and presented on the importance of Site Collections over webs (sub-sites).  I also played with “Prezi” for this presentation instead of going the traditional PowerPoint route.  Have a view if you want…     If the embed above doesn’t work, use this link:

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itgroove’s Cloud Position Statement

I asked Uncle Rob to clearly articulate our Cloud Position Statement.  We felt it was important to clarify once again that while we are “Cloud Friendly and Office 365 Ready”, we don’t push the cloud (or warrant it for that matter – the SLA of Office 365 is direct with Microsoft).  There is no argument …

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How to move an existing email conversation to Yammer

I’ve started putting together some short videos for common tasks, tips, tricks and questions I get.  I’ve always been an advocate of the concept that a picture is worth a 1000 words (thus my undying love for SnagIt). But lately I’ve been thinking, “screw 1000 words, a video must be worth 10,000 words right?”  So, …

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