How to Add a site collection for enabling “Napa” Office 365 Development Tools in SharePoint Office 365 Preview

I Ran into the following today.  My goal was to give a play with the Napa Office 365 Development Tools in my Office 365 SharePoint 2013 Preview account.  However, when I tried to add the app from the store, I got the following…

Notice text: We need your help to make this app work. Please turn on Developer Feature



How to get ‘er rolling…

This wasn’t too hard to figure out, but I didn’t see much guidance out there either so figured I’d share.  The trick is (and good governance/not mucking with your users and their data) is that you will want to create a dedicated Site Collection to explore Napa (it is a development tool after all and should be done in a separate sandbox) and while you create the site collection, you need to create it with the appropriate template (Developer Site).

So here we go…

Enter your Office 365 Admin Panel and choose SharePoint (I’m assuming you have logged into Office 365)…



Create a dedicated Development Site Collection (like a good boy/girl)



Choose “Developer Site” as the template



Ahhh, there we go…




Hope this helps someone.

3 responses to “How to Add a site collection for enabling “Napa” Office 365 Development Tools in SharePoint Office 365 Preview

  1. Very useful info……

    But i am getting the Below mention Error.

    Sorry, the farm administrator has turned off the public Office Store.

  2. Hey,

    I am using Office 365 Trial Version. So first time I had installed NAPA on my site collections. But after its expiry I created a new account. But I cant seem to install NAPA on these new site collections.

    I can go till Sharepoint Store -> Search NAPA -> Add it.
    Next comes a “CONTINUE” button. This button is not responding at all.

    Please provide a suggestion.

    Thanks in advance

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