Cool concept for your SharePoint Intranet/Portal Home Page

We were inspired by a number of sites, including and opted to change our SharePoint Intranet/CMS home page to be focused on Search (why not, isn’t Google or some form of search engine your preferred start page?). We *borrowed* the Bing search box style and incorporated a bunch of images into a rotator, complete with tidying up the branding. The result is captured in the following video. Enjoy.


Video of itgroove’s Portal Home Page:


Kudo’s to Colin for his hard work on making it happen.

2 responses to “Cool concept for your SharePoint Intranet/Portal Home Page

  1. I love it! Could you share the details of how you did this so I can also ‘borrow’ the idea? 🙂

  2. Hey Robin,

    Basically, we just incorporated a few things:

    1.    Page Layout and tied into our regular SharePoint Master Page branding but with the emphasis on the coolness of the search page/photos, anchor icons, etc.
    2.    Used this 3D tag cloud web part (Flash, there is a Silverlight one out there as well), so no go on the iPad, etc.   Right now it is always the brown colour but the author has given us the source and we’ll try and find some time to update it to support our styling
    3.    This jQuery for the rotating backgrounds –

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