SharePoint Lists and Libraries โ€“ Populated with Sample Data and Ready to Download

As I’m always demoing SharePoint capabilities and content, constantly filling out sample lists and libraries can be pretty tiresome. So, I tasked (the benefit of a business owner is the ability to delegate, so I didโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ™‚ the job of creating several stock SharePoint Lists and Libraries with some sample content, so that I (and you) can have these readily available when you need to test, demo or simply pretend you have data.

So, here’s the sample content:

Sample Document Files

Sample Populated Lists and Libraries

In addition, when you are working with or creating sample content, I always find myself using as it is a great (and simple “why didn’t I think of that?) Tool for creating some sample Latin text for your documentation or dashboards โ€“ and you can specify how many paragraphs, words or letters, etc. to get exactly the right amount of sample content you need.

8 responses to “SharePoint Lists and Libraries โ€“ Populated with Sample Data and Ready to Download

  1. Hi Sean, seems like the files are unavailable again – i always get rerouted to the main page ๐Ÿ™

    1. Hi Patrick. These are fixed (again). That should be the end of the ever moving content for a while now I hope. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    1. Hi John,
      Took a few days to find the old content but it is back up now and shouldn’t go missing again ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for pointing it out.

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