Windows 11 is the new operating system from Microsoft. It promises a modern, aesthetic update that combines experience with performance for the best of modern cloud computing.
Your organization may be trying to determine whether to push the update to Windows 11 to your team. In this blog, we’ll outline why we think you should consider upgrading, and how you can prepare.
What’s New in Windows 11?
The most noticeable changes in Windows 11 are aesthetic. The start menu automatically adjusts to the centre of the taskbar (although you can change it back). Windows and applications have been given a modern refresh, employing clean lines and muted colours. You can also snap apps to particular sections of your screen by hovering over the window resize option in the top right-hand corner, which provides a helpful option when working with minimal screen space.

However, not all changes in Windows 11 are visual. Microsoft has made improvements to security and scanning that help protect your devices, including “security baseline” settings that help organizations and individuals quickly ensure their devices meet the minimum recommendations for security from Microsoft. Microsoft has also introduced Android apps to the store, allowing end users to install and employ Android applications on their desktops and tablets.
You can find a full list of changes to Windows 11 here, including the Android apps Windows 11 update.
Why Should I Upgrade to Windows 11?
In terms of Windows 11 requirements, if your device is currently running Windows 10 2004 or later, you’re eligible for an upgrade to Windows 11. To find out if you’re eligible and for tips on how to upgrade to Windows 11, check out our blog: Upgrading Your Business Devices to Windows 11. Until October 2022, this upgrade is free.
On top of the free upgrade, Microsoft will eventually end support for Windows 10. Currently, support is scheduled to end in October 2025. Beyond that date, you’ll still be able to work on a Windows 10 device, but it will no longer be supported or updated by Microsoft. This poses a security threat for your devices.
In a cloud-first organization, keeping your systems up to date provides a variety of benefits. Not only do consistent updates help ensure the security of your devices, it also creates a culture of constant change in your company. While that doesn’t necessarily sound like a positive, creating a standard of updating your devices and using the newest features of technology will create a resilience in your team that often leads to an excitement for change. In a cloud-first world, where change is the only constant, this type of culture can lead to faster adoption, better utilization of technology, and altogether a more productive workplace.
For these reasons, we strongly recommend you upgrade your business devices before October 2022 to take advantage of the free update from Microsoft.
How Do I Prepare My Team for the Microsoft Windows 11 Upgrade?
At Regroove, we updated all of our business devices to Windows 11 with the following approach:
- We started by having a few cloud consultant volunteers upgrade to Windows 11 early. This provided us a chance to ensure we ironed out the kinks along the way, while getting a few people up to speed to help answer questions for the rest of the team.
- After a trial period of a couple of weeks, we selected a day for the entire team to receive their upgrade. We posted a thread in our company-wide Microsoft Team, in the “Company Updates” channel, which provided all of the information our team needed to know, including when they were expected to run the update, how long it should take, and what changes to expect when the update was completed.
- On the day of the update, we pushed Windows 11 out to all of our Regroove devices through Endpoint Manager. Team members searched for “Updates” in the start menu and downloaded and installed the Windows 11 upgrade. On average, it took each team member about a half hour to upgrade to Windows 11; Microsoft indicates that it can take up to 90 minutes. Don’t be surprised if your Windows 11 upgrade takes less time than stated.
- After the update was completed, we sent a survey to our team members to see how the process went for them, and to determine whether they were experiencing any issues.
Once the updates were completed, we continued to use the thread in Microsoft Teams to discuss tips and tricks, things we noticed, and any issues.
It is important to note that if you are experiencing issues with Windows 11, you can roll back to Windows 10 within 10 days.
Conclusion – The Windows 11 Review
Moving to Windows 11 might seem like a big undertaking for your end users, but the results are in the best interest of your organization. At Regroove, our end users experienced little to no down time, and have seen an improvement in functionality and visual appeal. Plus, it includes new features and security upgrades that help protect your devices and increase your productivity. Looking for assistance on upgrading your devices to Windows 11 or implementing a managed device plan for your organization? Get in touch at regroove.ca, the Victoria, BC-based Microsoft and cloud professionals.