3 Helpful Tips to Get the Most Out of Office 365

Office 365 is Ever Changing, Ever Growing and Always Offering More

Some days in the Office 365 portal, I see buttons or features that were not there the previous day.  One day, I swear I saw a new link appear right before my eyes.  Don’t miss out on what Office 365 has to offer. With a myriad of features continuously rolling out or being updated, it’s hard to always know what is happening, where it’s happening and when it’s happening.

These two links are essential to stay in the loop and on track with the latest features and roll outs:

Security & Compliance for Your Office 365 Tenancy

Did you know that turning on security auditing for your tenancy is a simple 30 second task? How securely configured is your tenancy? Would you like to know? Want to see quick reports on Spoofed mail, Spam detections and more? All this and more can be found at the Security and Compliance portal which is easily accessed from the Office 365 Admin console.

All too often I come across clients that have no idea this exists.  At some point the time comes when having this info can be handy to track down such things as: 

  • Who accessed a file?
  • Who performed an administrative task?
  • Who revoked or assigned a license?

…and more.

Go to the Security and Compliance Admin center to enable auditing and start collecting valuable audit data. 


Train Yourself, Train Your People

Looking for Office 365 training? While Googling is great, there is a lot to be said for what Office 365 portal has to offer as well. Right from the Office 365 admin portal, you can access a wealth of How To’s, templates, and time savers.