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Veeam Backup & Replication 6 – first impressions

As promised, here’s the first in a series of posts on Veeam Backup & Replication 6. We recently installed Veeam Backup & Replication 6 at one of our customers.  Most of our VMware customer base use VMware Essentials licensing so it’s no surprise that our first Veeam install is also of the “Essentials” variety.  I’ll …

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Starting down the VEEAM path … stay tuned!

We have a number of customers that have virtualized environments (ESX/ESXi) that are starting to hit issues with backups using “traditional” backup tools.  We also have the same issues in our own virtual environment.  To solve some of these issues we are working with customers to implement Veeam Backup and replication within their environments and …

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ESXi datastore connections

The following is a rehash of an internal blog post I did for the office.  ESXi allows for different types of datastore connections and the following is the “quick and dirty” on those connections.  Please do NOT consider this the be all and end all regarding ESXi and datastores, it is more like a “Coles …

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VMware Essentials licensing for SMB’s

VMware makes a great virtualization bundle available for any size organization but it really hits the “sweet spot” for SMB’s.  VMware vSphere Essentials is a license bundle that gives licensing for up to 3 physical servers, up to 6 CPU’s (think CPU sockets) and up to 192GB of RAM across those servers (32GB per CPU).  …

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VMware ESXi 5–SLOOOOOW boot with software iSCSI

I posted this today on our internal blog, it may be of some interest to you. vSphere 5 (ESXi) has a known weird problem on system boot when using software enabled iSCSI (eg NOT using hardware iSCSI HBA’s). ESXi will check each and every iSCSI connection it knows about (so every path to every iSCSI …

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How to save your butt when an old system starts to fail

Almost all of us in the IT world have been faced with the “emergency” of an old yet critical system that starts to fail and that cannot be easily replaced.  The scenario usually revolves around old line of business software that runs on old hardware/operating system (Widows 2000, anyone????) which is impossible to replace (vendor …

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So, what the heck is this “virtualization” thing anyway???

    I have a lot of my small business customers asking this question, usually after one of us from itgroove has talked about the possibilities offered by virtualization. So, at the risk of possibly offending the more technically minded out there, here is my "Virtualization 101" primer. At the most basic level, virtualization is …

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