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A (Non) Profitable Journey – Part 4

Things continue apace at Swan Lake.  I’ve been fooling around with various things and I’m slowly rolling in the changes that I and they want to see in place.  It’s a slow process as I have to grab time to do things where and how I can but things are rolling forward and that is …

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The best thing that ever happened to iSCSI is 10Gb Ethernet (GbE)!

If you are a “big IT shop” kind of person then you already know what I’m talking about so you can ignore the rest of this post.  If you are a “small shop” IT person or an SMB owner, this one is for you! We recently upgraded a customer by swapping out their ageing EqualLogic …

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A bunch of Sonicwall goodies–Part 2, SRA (secure remote access)

Sonicwall has a range of remote access servers that can be very effective in various situations.  There is the SRA range suited to smaller installations (think SMB/SME) and the larger E-Class SRA series that more suited to larger organizations or applications that require a whole bunch of connections at once.  I’ve seen the E-Class units …

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Hyper-V vs VMware Virtual Networking

itgroove has been busy building out our new Server 2012/Hyper-V infrastructure in support of our move to all new and shiny Exchange 2013, SharePoint 2013, Lync 2013 and Office 2013 along with our move to Windows 8 on all the client machines.  We made the decision to move off VMware ESXi as our virtualization platform …

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Hyper-V, oooo you ARE a seductress!

I have been a committed VMware vSphere and Workstation user for years.  The majority of the infrastructure at itgroove is built on vSphere as is that at many of our customers.  I have used the products since the very early days, even before P2V tools were widely available, and it has been a (mostly) satisfying …

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More thoughts on Veeam Backup & Replication

I’ve made a few posts regarding Veeam and, if you have read them, you’ll know I’m a fan.  You’ll also know that we have not yet put Veeam into any real large customer sites (like datacenters) but I think it’s important to know that Veeam’s benefits are as valid for small shops as they are …

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A few hard learned truths

We’ve been having a lot of “fun” lately.  The addition of a couple of new larger customers presented a series of challenges to us and, in the process, we learned a few things.  Most of us in the tech world look at the big shiny tech toys out there and, if we’re lucky, get to …

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Veeam–Real Life “Save”

I had promised more articles on Veeam but have been slow with the posts.  We’ve been waiting on the arrival of gear in our office to support our own Veeam installation (hard drive shortage sure playing havoc with server supply) so my articles have also been “on hold”.  Well, the real world jumped in and …

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Followup on ESXi 5 SLOW boot when using software iSCSI

I’ve just spent 3 hours troubleshooting an ESXi 5 host that had the problem with VERY slow boot when using software iSCSI connections to the SAN.  VMware has released a patch that supposedly fixed the problem.  Well, I’m here to tell you that it has made ZERO difference to the machine in question; in fact, …

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