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Office documents not opening in Chrome in SharePoint Online

Office documents not opening in Chrome in SharePoint Online I tried all the normal repairing office, uninstalling/reinstalling, resetting to defaults. First I went to set default programs and reset it to defaults. In this case the protocol wasn’t set by default, this didn’t fix chrome, but it fixed IE. I logged into the computer with …

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Infinite Scrolling in SharePoint Quick Tip

If you’re trying to set up an infinite scrolling script in SharePoint, you may run into issues calculating the height of the document and comparing it to how far the user has scrolled. This is due to how SharePoint overrides typical scrolling behaviour to allow the ribbon to stay put at the top of the …

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Responsive UI Package for SharePoint on-premises (2013 and 2016)

If you’re like me and get a lot of requests to make SharePoint sites responsive (it is 2016 afterall!), here’s a great read and some excellent resources courtesy of the SP Patterns & Practices team to make your life a little easier: Looking for the SharePoint Online version? That can be found in the …

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Dynamically Resize SharePoint Modal Dialogs

My colleague Alec and I ran into an issue today where SharePoint was having difficulty rendering modal dialogs at the correct size. The dialogs were too small for the content they contained, and therefore some undesired scroll bars appeared. Nobody wants that! Thanks to Chad Schroeder’s post for a nifty little fix: Add that to …

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Office Online Inline

Recently on a project we needed a way to display PDFs inline on a page within a “document viewer” we were building. Basically there is a table of contents driven by a library going down the left hand side and when the user chooses a document we wanted to render it in a panel on …

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SharePoint Centered Layout in Wiki Pages

In a recent project, we were working with a customer who was using a fixed width centered design in their corporate intranet (using the Publishing feature’s “/Pages” library and the Site Master Page), but the System Pages of the site were still full width. Since wiki libraries use the System Master Page, they were full …

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3 Ways to Improve SharePoint Quick Launch Style

In our last couple of SharePoint branding projects here at itgroove, we’ve added a little bit of sparkle to SharePoint’s left navigation, or “Quick Launch”. Here’s how we added some style with a bit of CSS and jQuery. First, we wanted each site’s OneNote Notebook to pop, as it’s different from a list, library or …

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Detecting Edit Mode with JavaScript / CSS

One challenge we often need to overcome working with Publishing mode in SharePoint is quickly and effectively knowing if a page is in edit mode. This lets us apply different CSS styles or quite often disable functionality that is not needed in Edit Mode. (Especially surrounding Responsive Design). While SharePoint gives some great MasterPage level …

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SharePoint Web Part Style

Looking to add a bit of sass to your web parts? With this bit of jQuery and CSS, we’ll take control of the display of SharePoint web parts and their titles and icons. Here’s an example: In the script below, we’ll target the icon <img> that SharePoint allows you to set via the Web Part …

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The Little JavaScript Gifts from SharePoint

Ever needed to quickly figure out what web application you are in using JavaScript? Or get the site collection URL? SharePoint has a fantastic somewhat little know JavaScript object declared in the MasterPage. _spPageContextInfo This object contains a ton of useful contextual information that can be accessed simply by referencing it: <script type=”text/javascript”> var loginName …

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