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Volunteer! It’s good for your soul!

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill   I volunteer with a couple of organizations, one of which I write about regularly on this blog, Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary, and the other which is not tech oriented, the Salvation Army Stan …

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A (Non) Profitable Journey – Part 4

Things continue apace at Swan Lake.  I’ve been fooling around with various things and I’m slowly rolling in the changes that I and they want to see in place.  It’s a slow process as I have to grab time to do things where and how I can but things are rolling forward and that is …

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A (Non) Profitable Journey–Part 2 C

In my last couple of posts I described the fun I was having with trying to set up a coupe of open source firewalls to work in a fashion similar to what I normally do for my “paying” customers.  The results were less than stellar, I’m afraid, and I ended up pulling the firewalls.  But, …

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A (non) Profitable Journey–Part 2 B

Well, it would seem that the golden rule of “if you rush, it will break” has already kicked in … First, a correction:  I stated in my last post that the free edition of Veeam allows for individual fie restores, that is incorrect.  I was basing my comments on the information on Veeam’s site which …

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A (non) Profitable Journey–Part 2

As promised, this is the second post in a series of posts about work I’m doing at the Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary in Victoria.  As you may recall from my first post, I said that I would document the good, the bad and the ugly!  Well, here we go with some of everything! …

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A (Non)Profitable Journey — Part 1

I am embarking on a series of posts about how non-profits can benefit from Office 365, the Microsoft programs for non-profits and a bunch of other goodies on the side, all to better help non-profits squeeze every ounce of value they can from their limited financial resources.  And this won’t all just be “theory”, I’ll …

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