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How PowerPivot Works with SharePoint (and How it Doesn’t)

A while back a customer wanted to combine external data sources and SharePoint together, and they thought the best way to do it was with Excel PowerPivot. Their intentions were in the right vein, but the possible path of execution didn’t actually exist. The idea being that they wanted to use a tool (Excel PowerPivot …

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Error: The PowerPivot workbook could not be imported. The service account for the workspace database server does not have permission to read from the PowerPivot workbook

I recently was working with a customer and trying to get a PowerPivot workbook working. We were running into the following error. I found the following blog post, which helped me get past the issue. The recommendation in the blog post is as follows: Translation: The Service Account that is running the SSAS Tabular …

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PowerPivot Data Refresh Debugging Process

If you’re unable to refresh the data and you’re seeing the following issue (below) when trying to refresh content, follow the steps described below. Note this was written with SharePoint 2010 in mind, but it should apply equally to SP2013. The “PowerPivot Data” value will be whatever the name of your connection is (see below). …

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PowerPivot Gallery Thumbnail Debugging Procedure

I’ve had the odd occasion where the SharePoint PowerPivot thumbnails (in the gallery view) haven’t shown up properly for me, and a while ago I compiled a collection of debugging procedures. I figured I’d share this collection with the world. Some of these were meant more for SP2010, and SQL 2008 / R2, but many …

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Power BI now in General Availability

Power BI has reached a new milestone going full plaid… err, more like General Availability.  Of course, it’s not generally useful to anyone who’s not at least partially using Office 365.  The link to the GA announcement is below.  The pricing is a bit wowsers until you start to realize what you’re getting for that …

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SharePoint 2010 Access Services Reporting with SQL Server 2012

I ran into this today at a customer, where they had SharePoint 2010 with PowerPivot/Analysis Services and Reporting Services installed on SQL Server 2012.  They were trying to view an Access Services Report, which takes advantage of the SharePoint Reporting Services integration – this was throwing an error in the UI.  However, as they were …

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Quickly Crunching SharePoint Data with PowerPivot Using Only Your Mouse

To paraphrase a wise man, once you’ve got PowerPivot, “all your SharePoint’s are belong to us”.  I’m going to demonstrate how, using Excel 2013 (which has PowerPivot built right in – you just have to enable it), and SharePoint 2013 you can really easily be crunching some of your SharePoint data, without ever having to …

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PerformancePoint Fails to Load Properly

If you’re getting an error on load of PerformancePoint about it being unable to load (basically you get a Windows error that your application failed to launch successfully – such as “PerformancePoint dashboard designer has stopped working”), the link below could resolve your issue (it worked for me). Basically this will reset all your …

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