Another MVP in the itgroove stable! Congrats Kelly!!

Kelly Marshall, our intrepid OneNote evangelist, has been awarded Microsoft OneNote MVP!  My sincerest and warmest congratulations to Kelly on this achievement.  There aren’t a lot of OneNote MVP’s so Microsoft has made one hell of a choice in this girl as she is the OneNote Goddess.  Kelly will certainly spread the OneNote gospel and OneNote goodness and I’m absolutely chuffed to be part of the same Team as her.  Watch this girl, folks, as she is going to go far, very very far!  (You read it here first.)

Kelly joins SeanWallbridge, Colin Philips, Keith Tuomi and yours truly, Robert Dick, as an itgroove Microsoft MVP.  With Kelly joining the ranks we (itgroove) now have 50% of our staff as MVP’s, that’s got to be some sort of record!  Well done Kelly and go Team!!