Here comes the first Unreal Engine 4 Oculus Rift Demos!

Here comes the first Unreal Engine 4 Oculus Rift Demos!

Unreal Engine 4 Oculus Rift

A beautiful thing has happened the UE4 demos have started appearing in all their marvelous glory. Not only do they look incredibly stunning with all the newest graphical bells and whistles, but they also have Oculus Rift support! BAM!

These are the ones I have tried so far.

Leading the pack as my favorite has to be the Effects Cave Demo. The lighting and the snow is an amazing Rift experience. Come on someone make a GOT UE4 wall demo PLEASE!

Unreal Engine 4 Oculus Rift


The effect of your eyes adjusting to the light of the bright snowy cave entrance is amazing.


And just because it is so beautiful it has to be seen to believed. Make sure you full-screen it and crank it to 720p.

Next is the Rift Shooter. It has some nice little battle arenas you can fight bots in and just marvel and the amazing skyboxes and architecture.

Unreal Engine 4 Oculus Rift



The Temple demo is just that an amazing temple created in the Unreal 4 Engine.


Again the incredible lighting is just mind-blowing, especially how it mimics your eyes adjusting to the light.


The endless possibility’s of UE4 vistas like this gets me very excited for the future.


Finally the reflection demo I have seen demoed by Epic several times, but finally I can now experience it myself in the Rift.



Pretty lighting, the future is bright.


One response to “Here comes the first Unreal Engine 4 Oculus Rift Demos!

  1. I would go with a Nvidia 780 GTX or 780 GTX TI if you can afford it. I was using a 680 GTX for those demos.

    Hi what kind of pc build or graphicscard would you recommend to play those UE4 demos at consistent 60 frames per second in the rift? Greetings,


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