Wow! 3 Office365 Pros!

For a small company (10 people), itgroove sure pours on the coals so I get to thump on our drum a little today.  I’m pleased to announce that as of today (April 9, 2014) we have 3 certified Microsoft Office365 Professionals on staff – Colin Philips, Louis Warren and Stephanie Kahlam – as well as 3 Microsoft MVP’s on staff – Sean Wallbridge, Keith Tuomi and Colin Philips.

Hey, guys, my hat is off to all of you!  It is your hard work and solid effort that helps to keep us on the leading edge and it is a definite privilege (and an ongoing rush) to work with you.  Keep pushing, keep learning, keep “doing” and, in the process, keep dragging me along with you even if I kick and scream a little along the way.  Our customers and colleagues appreciate your knowledge, expertise and commitment.

Lee Iaccoca once famously said, “You can either lead, follow or get out of the way”.  Thanks for ensuring that we stay in the lead position!

Oh, and if you want help with Office365, dear reader, then you have come to the right place. Colin, Louis, and Stephanie are only a click or two away, see for all our contact details and get “IT” working for you!

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