Failed to Publish Workflow

You may have come across this message in SharePoint 2010, and thought you did everything to resolve it (except, perhaps the most obvious thing I’ll mention below).

Message from webpage: Server was unable to process request. Failed to publish workflow: It appears that Nintex Workflow 2010 is not activated for this Web Application.  Check you settings in Central Administration.

To resolve this, as it turns out (warning: face palm moment upcoming), all I had to do was the following.

  1. Go to Central Admin
  2. Click on “Nintex Workflow Mangement”
  3. Click on “Web Application Activation”
  4. Activate Nintex Workflow for the Web Application I was working on

I know, sounds face palmish, eh?  Well, it’s not all bad, I wasn’t the one to setup the farm, nor was I the one who was supposed to have gotten Nintex setup to work properly either, so I can be excused for having thought that this was already done for me.  Smile

Please refer to this thread for more details.

4 responses to “Failed to Publish Workflow

  1. Hiya colin –

    This did not work for me – I did the above step – but I still get the same exact error

    1. Have you tried anything else? Can you get access to the logs to determine if it’s possibly related to something else?

  2. It is not working in my case. Still the same error is arising.
    Any alternative solution do you have?
    Using powershell I am deploying the nintex workflows,
    But my error seems to be look like below:

    Exception calling “PublishFromNWFXml” with “4” argument(s): “Server was unable to process request. —> Failed to publish workflow:

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