“Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended” for BDCServiceDatabase after March 2013 Upgrade

I ran into the recently, and the following blog post covered exactly what I needed to do to resolve it.


The key information in there was the following.

    This state is ok, as long as it doesn’t last too long. But at one day you need to upgrade the Database. The upgrade is no problem for SPContentDatabases, just use Upgrade-SPContentDatabase.

    It is a little bit different for various Service Applications, especially for BDC. To get your BDC Databases to the latest state you can use the following PowerShell Commands:

    (Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.type -eq “Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService.BdcServiceDatabase”}).Provision()

    After this, your BDC-Databases should be up to date again.

Yay for Markus Hintner (Markus’ Blog), thanks!

2 responses to ““Database is in compatibility range and upgrade is recommended” for BDCServiceDatabase after March 2013 Upgrade

  1. Colin,
    Thanks for the help. This solved a nagging problem for me. One note: I had to run it from the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as administrator. Initially tried from a powershell prompt and it didn’t know the Get-SPDatabase command…

  2. Colin, for how long this command was running in your environment? Was there any service interruption?

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