Give a little; get a lot back in return

A few days ago my kids and I went to the mall for our yearly Santa’s Anonymous purchase. If you’ve never done this before, it is a great way to give to local children in need. This is a CFAX 1070 event ( where the children colour a Christmas bear picture and write their age and the gift they would like to receive on the back.

The first time my husband Sean and I did this was around 1997. We were both in our 20’s and headed to the mall to do our last minute Christmas shopping. We had a look at the tree and there were so many bears to choose from.

The one that stood out the most, however, was from a 14-year-old boy. Of all the things he could have asked for from a stranger, he chose shampoo and deodorant…I still get teary thinking about it. Can you imagine being 14 again and out of all the things you could ask for, you choose toiletries?

I will never forget that boy (who would be around 29-years-old now) and I’m hoping that by taking our own kids each year that they will appreciate the things they have and grow up to do what they can to help others. It’s a great way to get them thinking about other people and their needs at a young age.

What kinds of things do you like to do to help out during the season, or any time of year for that matter?


2 responses to “Give a little; get a lot back in return

  1. Knowing that a kid is having to ask for shampoo and deodorant at 14 makes the things we stress about seem insignificant. The idea of getting that perfect gift or not being able to find Johnny the hot gift for the year doesn’t really teach our children to think of others. Children are so much our future. What a great cause to be supporting Wendy!

  2. I realized that we have a bit more work to do with our son when he asked me if he could write his name down one year so he can get some Lego that he wants! He did pick a little boy who asked for clothes though so I think he’s starting to get the concept 🙂

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