Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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The Castle in the Cloud

Cloud Computing It has been over a decade since the term “cloud computing” started appearing periodically in conversations about technology. Today the industry consensus is “the future is cloud”, yet many organizations remain leery of the transformative effects of using the Cloud for business, despite its many advantages. The Castle in the Cloud The Craigdarroch …

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Technology Initiatives Help BC Citizens Engage with the Political Process

I’m really proud that our team at itgroove is helping the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia with various projects and initiatives to increase citizen engagement in our province using technology solutions. Here are two recent examples of work we’ve done to get things working for LABC: The LABC Public Website One of the most interesting parts of …

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Custom Intranet Enhancements Allow Site to be Used for Project Management

When M’akola Development Services first approached itgroove, they were looking for someone to come deliver training on the most effective use of Office 365 for file and information management. I joined Alec for the initial session, as well as Sean for the follow up session, then delivered a few 1-1 sessions on my own. In the …

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