Meet The Author: Kelly (Marshall) LaForest

I’m an excitable, Canadian nerd and Microsoft fan girl who loves sharing her opinion on all things technology.

When I’m not “turned up to eleven” over the latest feature in Microsoft OneNote or Office 365, I’m hanging out with my husband Rick, our son Alvin, and our cat Butters.

Name: Kelly (Marshall) LaForest
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (#yyj)

Top Three Microsoft Office 365 Apps:

  1. Teams
  2. OneNote
  3. Microsoft To Do

Learn More: Check out the About Me category in this blog.

What’s New with Me

Fun Facts:

  • I was the first Canadian to receive a Microsoft MVP award in the OneNote award category. I was an MVP for 4 years.

Why is the Blog called “Oh! 365, eh?”:

The Oh! is a playful dig at my habit of exclaiming out loud (at a volume equal to an amplifier turned up to 11) upon discover a new feature in Office 365.
The 365 refers to both Microsoft Office 365 and my year-round use of technology.
The eh? is a shout out to being Canadian.

Contact Me:

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: Kelly (Marshall) LaForest
Twitter: @oh365eh_kelly
SlideShare: Kelly LaForest
YouTube: Oh! 365, eh? Channel
Microsoft MVP Reconnect Profile: Kelly (Marshall) LaForest