Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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What’s this Flame Virus all about?

What is the Flame Virus? First off, if you haven’t heard anything about the Flame Virus, you may want to start here Here is what is important to you: Flame Virus (also called sKyWIper) was deployed in May, but may have been around since ‘07 The virus had a suicide command sent out this month, …

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I’m pretty proud of our team – SharePoint and Nintex Rock Stars

  itgroove has been nominated for a Nintex Innovation award for leveraging SharePoint, Nintex Workflow, Muhumbi and lots of smarts and innovation to save BC Ferries money, improve safety and to go significantly more green.  All good things.  Kudos go out especially to Colin and Keith for their fierce dedication and for putting up with …

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Whether your LinkedIn password was discovered today or not, you should do something about it

Heads up.  Whether there is truth or not to the reports of LinkedIn passwords being leaked, practice Safe Internet Sex LinkedIn Apparently Hacked. Passwords for millions of accounts harvested: itgroove Recommends: Log into LogMeIn ASAP and change your password. It is a good practice to change it regularly anyways. You are changing important Internet …

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Why Good Hardware Doesn’t Ensure Good Networking and Communication

Given that you can’t have good technology without good technology, a lot of business owners and managers assume that having the best, top-of-the-line hardware naturally assures that their company will have great networking and communication. That’s not always the case, however, and even spending huge amounts of money on having the latest and greatest hardware, …

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7 Signs You’ll Eventually Hate Your IT Company… if You Don’t Already

There are a lot of businesses that love their outsourced IT providers, and couldn’t imagine going without them. On the other hand, there are also more than a few who aren’t happy with the service and technology support they’re getting, and are actively counting down the days until their current agreement ends. Obviously, you want …

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If you live in Victoria, BC and are into SharePoint, you should join us

It’s been a while since I’ve reminded the local community so thought I’d take a second and provide a refresher… Every month in Victoria you have an opportunity to learn (for free, with pizza included!) something new about SharePoint.  We are the Victoria SharePoint Users Group – – please consider signing up.  Our next …

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MVP for another (4th) year

Hey folks, I’m honoured and humbled to have been awarded with the Microsoft MVP award in SharePoint for a 4th year. It truly is a privilege to be part of this fine group of individuals, some of the smartest and most dedicated folks I’ve ever met. I’d like to thank my wife, my kids, my …

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One Reason Billable Hours Usually Cost Less Than You Think

Is good SharePoint (and/or General IT) support from an outsourced company expensive? The answer to that question depends a great deal on who you ask, and on the perspective you take on the value of a solid IT provider. Allow me to explain: Simply looking at the hourly rates most experienced, professional IT providers ask …

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