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Using Windows SharePoint 3.0 (WSS) and SQL Search is Failing?
Ok, this was a timely lesson learned. If you are getting the following error trying to search a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS), you might be experiencing the same problem we did… 1: No results matching your search were found. Check your spelling. Are the words in your query spelled correctly? Try using …
Read onError 193: 0xc1 – Weird but solved!
This is an oldie but a goodie… I’ve reposted this as I noticed it wasn’t appearing in search, but on my old blog, it was helping a significant amount of people – so I wanted to give it a new push here, in case it helps others. Ok, this one took a while to sort …
Read onPSconfig and referencing the WID
That title sure read lame (or geeky)… So, need to use PSConfig to attach to a different Configuration Database for SharePoint? Using WID (Windows Internet Database) and not full SQL? Don’t forget you need to specify the Instance with your configdb -connect -server setup – as in servernameMICROSOFT##SSEE That syntax needs to be correct, or …
Read onSQL Query to list indexes
Here’s a query for listing indexes… Needed this today… select ‘tablename’=objectname( ,i.indid ,’indexname’ ,i.groupid ,’filegroup’ ,’filename’=d.physicalname ,’dataspace’ from sys.sysindexes i ,sys.filegroups f ,sys.databasefiles d ,sys.dataspaces s where objectproperty(,’IsUserTable’) = 1 and f.dataspaceid = i.groupid and f.dataspaceid = d.dataspaceid and f.dataspaceid = s.dataspaceid order by,objectname(,groupid go
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