Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Fantastic and Fair Priced SharePoint Documentation Tool

Stumbled across this gem today.  The Documentation Toolkit for SharePoint from Acceleratio Ltd. As any SharePoint professional knows, SharePoint combines ease of use and the ability to change software to suit your business needs and requirements rapidly. That is the positive of SharePoint. The negative is the expectations that come on IT to be equally …

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How to move a site collection to a different managed path

I pulled this from the old OneNote archives the other day and figured I’d share it with anyone that might need to do the same. The Challenge A customer had us upgrade them to SharePoint 2010.  However, they didn’t like that their site collection was at and instead wanted a dedicated managed path (explicit …

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Adobe Acrobat finally has some SharePoint integration

Only took about a decade but Acrobat 10 has some SharePoint integration now. To be fair, Acrobat 10 has been out for a while, since the beginning of the year, so I’m pretty late commenting on it.  But my friend Tom pointed out this video that highlights the document library integration and I have had …

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