Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Copy Shortcut – Gonzo in SharePoint Online!

Grrr. I get it Microsoft, you like “Agile” (always be changing, improving, iterative changes and get feedback). Well, here’s my feedback. In SharePoint Online, if you are going to take over the Browsers Context Menu (right click in IE, Chrome, etc.), at least give me an alternative to do the things I used to be …

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Site Collections for the Win

I did a presentation for the Victoria SharePoint User Group recently and presented on the importance of Site Collections over webs (sub-sites).  I also played with “Prezi” for this presentation instead of going the traditional PowerPoint route.  Have a view if you want…     If the embed above doesn’t work, use this link:

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Unlocking the Power of Me

It’s time to turn on the meditation music, take off your shoes, take some deep breaths, channel the positive energy and unlock the power of you. Or more specifically me. While this self-help article may not make you feel better, eat healthier or lose weight it just might teach you something new, and give you …

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SharePoint Online – Say Buh-Bye to Tags and Notes

Edit/Update – November 19, 2014 Microsoft posted an update today with an even more clearly stated “die” date.  So heads up that you need to grab your already deprecated tags and notes data by December 31, 2014 folks… Original Post Office 365 is Agile. Telemetry (Microsoft’s fancy word for we are watching what features you …

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