Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Cool. But we can’t really talk about it

We at itgroove have a client that we can’t name – too cool for school as it were… However, we can tell you a little about them and one way they utilize SharePoint and Nintex in a very cool way.   What This company is a Reinsurance Company that specializes in Weather/Catastrophe insurance. They make …

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Lots of Cool SharePoint News This Week

Just a quick update as I’ve been quiet lately. But there are a few cool things going on that at least needed to be shared, so here goes (brief, but you get what you get The SharePoint Conference has been announced for 2014 and it’s in Vegas again.  This time at the Venetian. I’ll be …

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The Transaction Log for Database XXXX is full

Ran into this on Friday at a customer.  Unexpected as the database logging file size shouldn’t have been changed in the first place but it could happen elsewhere. Hope this helps others. What Event ID: 5586 Error Posted: Unknown SQL Exception 9002 occurred. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. The transaction log …

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Year 5 – Renewed as SharePoint MVP

Got my email re: 5th year as a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint Server today. Always strange to get it on April Fools but real all the same. Thanks to all for your support. “Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2013 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders …

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Living the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) dream at itgroove

I love that we are living the dream of BYOD (Bring your own device) and felt the need to illustrate it. We provide a solid/secured centralized platform and our folks connect with their tool of choice. You could look at this as say Office 365 does the same thing for those that don’t want to …

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SharePoint 2013 Search – Scopes are gone, but don’t fret

Shout out to Jarrod for putting this together for me. What are you talking about? In SharePoint 2010, we had “scopes” to filter through our search results. For example, if you search for “Jarrod Ferguson”, you will have numerous results at every mention of my name- so you use the “People” scope. This will result …

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Hiding the Quick Launch in SharePoint 2013 on a single page

Don’t mind me. I reach for this enough times that it was worth sharing again.  I’m sure there will be dozens of other posts out there with similar CSS but I’m hoping we provide a little twist, at least if you are using the stock Master Pages in 2013 (Oslo/Seattle, etc.) as we find the …

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