Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Office 365 Observations from a grizzled veteran of the SMB Space

As a big SharePoint fan and recently self-diagnosed Bob Ross of SharePoint, I’ve been watching and actively participating in Microsoft’s swift transition of key software and services into the Cloud. While BPOS was great, the name didn’t exactly mean much to customers. But with the words “Cloud” and “Office 365”, interest is increasing rapidly and …

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Oh Man. Connect to Outlook is disabled/unavailable

Ran into this the other day.  “Connect to Outlook” was unavailable (greyed out/disabled) in a new SharePoint 2013 farm.  Often you’d see this if you are using an unsupported browser in previous versions of SharePoint (Firefox, Chrome, etc.  was an IE ‘only’ thang). The quick solution in our case was to deactivate the “Minimal Download …

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Some more justification for the SharePoint Enterprise CAL

Sigh.  I’m being lazy again. Here is an email I sent tonight to a client who was looking for justification on whether going from SharePoint Standard to Enterprise for about 80 people was worth the investment and why.  Here was my reply in case it helps others. Hey (name changed to protect the innocent) As …

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Nintex Workflow for Office 365 is here!

Those of you that know me, know I love me some Nintex. And I’m very excited to share that Nintex Workflow is now available in Office 365. No, not as the preview that’s been there for more than a year, this is the real deal.     I just wanted to take a few moments …

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I aspire to be the Bob Ross of SharePoint

I can hear Darren’s eyes rolling from here… Egad, what now Sean? I always liked how Apollo Creed of the Rocky Movie franchise had a bunch of cool nicknames, like The King of Sting, the Master of Disaster, the Count of Monte Cristo.  I’ve been searching for my own (I needed/wanted something to make what …

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itgroove – Check out our Case Studies

If you haven’t noticed our new website (we did a soft launch some 2 weeks ago or so), pop on by and have a look: On it, we have a number of Case Studies you can check out. They include (So far): BC Ferries: How we helped BC Ferries eliminate enough paper that would …

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Problem/Solution – send automated email reminders from SharePoint

The other day, someone asked me the following and it comes up enough that I thought sharing my answer might prove helpful for someone else. The Question Hi Sean, Just a quick question, can SharePoint send out automated email reminders when a lease contract end date is coming up for example? The Answer The answer …

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