Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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What’s this Flame Virus all about?

What is the Flame Virus? First off, if you haven’t heard anything about the Flame Virus, you may want to start here Here is what is important to you: Flame Virus (also called sKyWIper) was deployed in May, but may have been around since ‘07 The virus had a suicide command sent out this month, …

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Scientific Proof nobody reads those email disclaimers

Ok, maybe not scientific. But by my calculations, I have sent over 216,000 emails over the last 8 years (many with glorious colour), with just about all of them having a disclaimer on it that was complete nonsense and gibberish (by the way, I can’t take credit for writing it, nor will I, but I …

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SSL Certificates for different situations

I shared this in the office this week to try and breakdown what SSL Certificates we choose, for which application/situation. Maybe it will help you too.   Cert Type How Expensive? Notes Standard SSL $ For one off, named URL’s such as Website SSL, Exchange 2003 Webmail, SBS 2003, SharePoint HTTPS sites Wildcard Certificate …

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Email Path – Where can my message get nuked?

Here’s a thread I had recently with a customer about why/how some of their emails weren’t getting to the intended recipient. Unfortunately, no matter what we did, the upstream email recipient’s (the receiver) system was rejecting the message – worse still it wasn’t even telling anyone it was rejecting it (oh thanks!) Anyways, I thought …

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itgroove Can Now Read their Client’s Minds!

  itgroove is pleased to announce a new service…   The “We know your business requirements before you do” Solution   itgroove has partnered with Internationally renowned singer and Psychic to the Stars, Dionne Warwick. This has given our team of consultants the “Missing Link” so that on top of: Having to know and support …

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