Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Telus Wireless Hotspots Stink

QuickPost | Telus Mobility Telus sucks. I’m sitting here at Vancouver International Airport. They want $8.00 for lousy wireless Internet access for ONE HOUR. For 24 hours, they want $15.00. $8.00 is ridiculous but offering 24 hours as the next option is plain stupid and corrupt. That, and this connection is barely maintained for 5 …

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Who cares? 2% of you maybe…

Had this been 5 years ago, I might have cared more. Then again, this might help drive a little more innovation style to the PC – It’s Official: Apple Switches to Intel

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Bafoons running ICAN – .xxx sites should be mandatory

No porn site will pay for a .xxx domain and use it exclusively ICAN = pansy-pushover. .xxx addressing should be enforced. This way we can block this crap on our corporate firewalls and keep it away from our children. Instead, they are charging more for this ‘privelege’ that will never be used, exclusively anyways (ie. …

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