Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Keep Your Inbox Trim

At the end of the day, you really shouldn’t have anything in your Outlook Inbox and here is why: Stress: Emails in your inbox mean something is left undone. Every email should have one of the following five actions, thus meaning it shouldn’t be in your inbox at the end of the day 1. Discard …

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WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) scheduled for release April 28, 2009

Microsoft Office Sustained Engineering released the date for the arrival of SP2 for SharePoint – April 28, 2009 (reference:   Some of the big improvements (at least from my perspective) coming include: Revised/improved documentation and knowledge base articles The Microsoft Save As PDF or XPS add-in has been built into Office applications in SP2. …

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Outlook Productivity Tips

I was sending this out as a public service announcement for a client and it occurred to me I might as well blog the content as well, for anyone out there that might be listening. The intent is to provide a couple of quick Outlook Productivity tips to some end users, so don’t look at …

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Miscellaneous Third Party Techie Tools I can’t live without

Here’s a listing of (no, I’m not ranting about how much I love SharePoint in this post, though I might reference it here and there) 3rd party tools that I use constantly and a brief summary of how I use it (I’m not listing the complete listing of features of each, that is what their …

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Office 2007 SP2 Build 12.0.6416.1000 Leaked and Available for Download

Office 2007 SP2 Build 12.0.6416.1000 Leaked and Available for Download Not big news for SharePoint fans but there is one SharePoint benefit (nevermind the fact that Office 2007 will be more stable, which is good for everyone) in the upcoming Office 2007 SP2.  Note, the build in question is not final release – I’m sharing …

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I’m now an SharePoint MVP – How cool is that?

Well, what do ya know?  Apparently, Microsoft loves, my love for SharePoint (and all those other related things I do – SharePoint, Windows Server, Exchange, SQL, IIS, ASP.NET – you know, all those things that SharePoint works with – I think I was ‘built’ to be a SharePoint Guy).     I was awarded with …

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FAT32 4GB Limit causes OST grief with large Mailboxes

This was a fun one/interesting…   We had a customer with a 3.9GB Mailbox.  But he couldn’t send/receive and kept getting messages about exceeding his mailbox size (however, server quota’s were well beyond his mailbox limit).   It turns out, the desktop he was on, (an Acer, *sigh*) had a FAT32 file system which has …

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Outlook Anywhere on Exchange 2007 (RPC/HTTPS)

How to Enable Outlook Anywhere Before You begin, to enable Outlook Anywhere, you must follow these steps in the following order:Install a valid Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate from a trusted certification authority (CA) that the client trusts. Install the Windows RPC over HTTP Proxy component. Enable Outlook Anywhere on a computer that has the …

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Outlook appointments become recurring appointments

Now this is dumb. Buy a Dell Computer, have Outlook installed (in my case 2003) and when you edit an appointment (i.e. second time, not creation of the appointment), the appointment becomes a recurring appointment and can’t be converted back to a non-recurring appointment. LAME LAME LAME. Well guess what, if this is happening to …

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