Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Building a Knowledge Blogging System in SharePoint – A simple, but effective method of replacing key office email correspondence with a SharePoint blog

Internally, we are using SharePoint blogs very effectively, to replace common sharing of information (in our case, typically about technology like ‘how I fixed this or that’. Using Microsoft Word 2007 as our blogging tool (and if you don’t have Microsoft Word 2007, you could use Windows Live Writer, which is free), and SharePoint (MOSS …

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IIS Logging Fields necessary for statistics packages

I was enabling some 3rd party web server statistics software today (Smarterstats by on a SharePoint server and it was necessary to make sure all the appropriate fields necessary for returning all information, in all reports were set. For Smarterstats (and in general this can apply to all webstatistics software), the following are necessary …

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SharePoint 2010 Sneak Peak Revealed

Well, I’m not allowed to say much, being under NDA. But, it is important to write *something* right? So, here it is, nice and short.     A Sneak Peak of SharePoint 2010 has been released at, including an overview and brief demonstration of what to expect for the IT Support and Development Professional. …

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Did you know you can post emails directly into a Document Library?

Here’s another one that comes up now and then…   Did you know you could save emails directly into a Document library (such as in our business case, our Clients Documentation library)? While it may not be necessary all the time, if something was said (technical details) or stated (warnings to the client), it may …

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Cool – Achieved new rank on Experts Exchange Today

Guru sounds nice. Not sure I believe it.  But I’ll take it.  Nice to be recognized anyways.  Nobody is an ‘Expert’ in SharePoint (Guru, or otherwise) but if someone wants to pin that to me, I’ll wear it.  Got a free T-Shirt, which one should never turn down… 🙂     itgroove

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Great SharePoint Designer Conditional Formatting Reference

This is a great resource and I know I’ll have trouble finding it later, so I’m bookmarking it here on my blog:   In particular, it was useful today for me, to figure out how to show some differing icons in dataview webparts based on today’s data plus the next 7 days, etc. Some …

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Clearing (IIS Logfiles) Disk Space on Windows Servers

Although there are a number of techniques and places to look to clear disk space on a Windows server, including pruning SQL transaction logs, removing HIBERFIL.SYS, moving the pagefile to another drive, one of the most effective I’ve found has been removing HTTP logs that get accumulated daily (particularly if you have turned logging on, …

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