Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Copy Shortcut – Gonzo in SharePoint Online!

Grrr. I get it Microsoft, you like “Agile” (always be changing, improving, iterative changes and get feedback). Well, here’s my feedback. In SharePoint Online, if you are going to take over the Browsers Context Menu (right click in IE, Chrome, etc.), at least give me an alternative to do the things I used to be …

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Help me Mr. Yuck. IE11 mutates my Office 365 Admin Portal

What Recently I had to switch to using Firefox (you know, the browser that is tied up in an anti-Gay Marriage scandal and is now trying to look like Chrome as part of its witness protection program) and/or Chrome (you know, the company that created Glassholes…) to manage my Office 365 components ( and/or This …

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