Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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How to implement SSL Certs (for OWA, etc.) in Exchange 2007

These instructions were prepared for QuoVadis (great place to get your SSL and Unified UCC SAN Certs from – Document Deliverables Microsoft Exchange 2007 requires SSL certificates to be configured/installed in a particular manner, to ensure support of the various ‘Subject Alternative Names’ the server might be found on, depending on the service one …

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Email MX record tip when using a Store and Forward Service

One thing I’ve done to our own mail to help curb some of the crap spam we are getting, is that I’ve updated our MX record. I’ve done this because we use DYNDNS for a ‘secondary/store and forward MX’ delivery agent. I.e. if our mail server was unavailable (Internet Down, Exchange down, etc.) – it …

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EXMON for Exchange 2007 SP1 Released

Cool, this will be handy to have ‘around the house’, for analyzing user patterns, etc. The Microsoft Exchange Server User Monitor (EXMON) enables system administrators to view and evaluate individual users’ usage and experience with Microsoft Exchange Server. Using ExMon, administrators can view the following: IP addresses used by clients Microsoft Office Outlook® versions and …

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Outlook Productivity Tips

I was sending this out as a public service announcement for a client and it occurred to me I might as well blog the content as well, for anyone out there that might be listening. The intent is to provide a couple of quick Outlook Productivity tips to some end users, so don’t look at …

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I’m now an SharePoint MVP – How cool is that?

Well, what do ya know?  Apparently, Microsoft loves, my love for SharePoint (and all those other related things I do – SharePoint, Windows Server, Exchange, SQL, IIS, ASP.NET – you know, all those things that SharePoint works with – I think I was ‘built’ to be a SharePoint Guy).     I was awarded with …

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How to replay Exchange 2003 Transaction Logs

It’s always at the darkest hour for a client that I’m trying to find this info, so I’m posting it here for me and you.   Once you’ve restored Exchange from a backup, you will likely (if you can) want to restore it to the point of failure and that means restoring the transaction logs.  …

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Beware of Exchange Server 2007 Update RollUp 6

Fought an Exchange 2007 Server for almost 6 hours tonight. Turns out Rollup 6, which is part of automated Windows updates (yikes!) has some issues and kills OWA (without errors even, weird).   The patch is available in Windows Update or at   The behavior is, that OWA will either not even display at …

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Microsoft Exchange – We are your Victoria and Vancouver Island Experts!

Email has become the lifeblood of modern business and something in the order of 90% of global email traffic originates from Microsoft Exchange servers.  If your business email runs on Exchange, it can be argued that Exchange is the single most important and visible “service” inside your enterprise.  Keep your Exchange environment running at peak …

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FAT32 4GB Limit causes OST grief with large Mailboxes

This was a fun one/interesting…   We had a customer with a 3.9GB Mailbox.  But he couldn’t send/receive and kept getting messages about exceeding his mailbox size (however, server quota’s were well beyond his mailbox limit).   It turns out, the desktop he was on, (an Acer, *sigh*) had a FAT32 file system which has …

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