Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Microsoft Product Lifecycle Information

I get asked quite often about Vista and should customers be upgrading now. The answer comes with the customers comfort and risk acceptance level frankly. As such, it is important to consider Microsoft’s Product lifecycle. Microsoft Product Catalog Microsoft Product Lifecycle information For XP specifically… April 14, 2009 is when you can no longer get …

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Protection from Robots

Yes, you probably know that itgroove will protect you from Robots already (reference: itgroove Robot Protection), but did you know Old Glory can protect you as well? (SNL Sketch). Enjoy.

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BES vs BIS – the short list

What is the Difference between BIS and BES? Blackberry Internet Service – Self-management of inbox; integrate up to 10 e-mail accounts – Push e-mail /every 15 min (default, dependant on ISP)– Contacts, appointments and tasks synched manually via USB only– Deleted Messages: from device only Blackberry Enterprise Server – Complete real-time wireless synchronization of email, …

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Wierd Windows Virtual PC guest OS behaviour (routing, pinging, etc.)

So, if you end up with Windows VM’s that were copied (not imported), you can end up with the same MAC Addresses. This can lead to ‘wierd’ behaviour if Windows Virtual Machines/Guests are on the same network and you will get intermittent (and often unexplainable) behaviour in regards to connecting, pinging, routing, whatever. To fix: …

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itgroove – We Protect You From The Robots

Robot Problems? We Protect You From The Robots At itgroove, we know first hand the challenges businesses face, when confronted with a Robot Assault. Businesses should feel safe from the threat of Robot attack and itgroove is here to help. Learn More

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itgroove has two SBS Specialists on staff

itgroove now has 2 Microsoft Small Business Specialists on staff, to serve Victoria customers itgroove is pleased to announce the successful completion of Microsoft’s Small Business Specialist Certification by Avneet Dhanowa & Louis Warren. itgroove is now more than ever in a position to assist Victoria businesses with their current & future technology needs. Microsoft …

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Joomla Templates membership

Don’t mind me, just bookmarking pages that have Joomla Templates. Rocket Theme– Terms– website– Samples Joomla Shack– website

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Planning on installing PHP and/or MySQL on IIS?

Man, what an ugly install PHP and MySQL are. The documentation is all over the place, everyone in every newsgroup is giving their $0.02 and none of it seems even remotely accurate. In a nutshell, it is exactly what is *wrong* with Open Source. Don’t get me wrong, open source is a great thing, but …

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Major Change Demo’s are Online, on YouTube even!

This video demonstrates how to submit verify Change Requests and use the calendar view to find existing requests using the online service, Major Change. —————– This video demonstrates how to submit a Change request using the online service, Major Change.

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itgroove Testimonials page updated

Ok, so I get to use this space to brag and blogs are powerful for search engines so what the heck, maybe someone will stumble across our services by this post. Worth a try anyways. 🙂 Powered by Sponsored by Major Change (.com) – The Online Change Register

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