Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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itgroove – Now providing ‘Business Technology Solutions’

itgroove announces a new focus. It was time for a change, and while we used to label ourselves ‘Your Trusted IT Advisor’ (and we still are), that slogan just simply did not do our abilities and service offering justice. We are now itgroove, ‘Business Technology Solutions’. With solutions like CMS, itGuardian (we watch your technology …

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SQL Query to list indexes

Here’s a query for listing indexes… Needed this today… select ‘tablename’=objectname( ,i.indid ,’indexname’ ,i.groupid ,’filegroup’ ,’filename’=d.physicalname ,’dataspace’ from sys.sysindexes i ,sys.filegroups f ,sys.databasefiles d ,sys.dataspaces s where objectproperty(,’IsUserTable’) = 1 and f.dataspaceid = i.groupid and f.dataspaceid = d.dataspaceid and f.dataspaceid = s.dataspaceid order by,objectname(,groupid go

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itgroove :: ‘Eats Own Dog Food’

Ya, We Know. Gross. Actually, ‘eating your own dog food’ is an industry term (the geek industry, of course) for testing a (technology) product on yourself, before releasing it to your customers.itgroove chewed the Alpo” on our new website – – and we are pleased to announce that in no time whatsoever, we moved …

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Add a SiteMap that is Google compatible, within Joomla

Use this: XMAP Module Submit this (using google webmaster tools): Xmap is a Joomla! extension based on the popular Joomap component. Xmap allows you to create a map of your site using the structure of your menus. Detail Information You can add your sitemap to your Google account in Google Sitemap to provide it with …

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One three (13) reasons why SharePoint kicks your file servers ass!

SharePoint vs. the File Server SharePoint offers… Web based access to your files from anywhere (work, home, the airport and from anything (PC, MAC, mobile devices) – in a Web browser or familiar Explorer view SharePoint offers a Two Stage” recycle bin – if you delete a file in SharePoint, you can restore it from …

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Nice, simple Google SiteMap Generator

Found one I like, easy to use so I’m bookmarking it. Powered by Sponsored by Major Change (.com) – The Online Change Register

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Spam on Blackberry device, but not in Outlook?

If Spam is not being filtered before email is sent to Blackberry devices, this is for you… This detail applies to installations where a Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) is installed. If users are receiving spam and phishing on their Blackberry devices, configure the Blackberry server to wait for 45 seconds before forwarding messages to Blackberry …

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Updated Resume for Sean Wallbridge

My resume was horribly out of date. It still is less than I would like, but nonetheless, it was time to update it to at least a reasonable accuracy, so here it is… 🙂 In PDF: Sean_Wallbridge_Resume.pdf

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Account Lockout and Management Tools – install on every DC

This is a great little add-in (FREE!) that you should consider installing on every Domain Controller, to show you the itty bitty bits of details you need to know about user accounts such as when their password expires, etc. (you do set your passwords to expire, right?) Free download, do it now, install it now, …

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