Ok, stumbled across this today. And I think I understand what happened…
I have a SP2010 Server that I’ve been exploring. The related controls/components are in my IE client (IE8).
Since then, when I visit my production MOSS 2007 Server where my real data is, if I choose “Upload Multiple Documents”, I now get the sexy ‘drag and drop’ documents interface instead and it appears to work!!!
To take it a step further, because I know the Silverlight, Ajax and background bits will be missing in MOSS, I created a custom column and set it to be ‘required’. And I got (what I expected, but what end users won’t love…) which is that the document arrives in the library as checked out, because the metadata isn’t filled as nothing prompted for it. I can live with that, but I wonder if this is a bug or expected…
In other words, folks could connect to a SharePoint Beta site today and welcome drag and drop into their SharePoint 2007 document libraries. This is cool … but also problematic as if it isn’t intended or welcomed, this may provide all sorts of confusion out there. Especially for those people that might be in both SP2007 and SP2010 (RTM) environments and working between them.
Check it out… a quick little video of it: Bug? Feature? Cool though…
Follow Up Note. Okay, thanks to Matthew Mcdermott for setting me straight. He pointed out that the drag and drop support comes from Office 2010. AHA! I was about to tell him, I don’t have Office 2010 installed… but alas, I do (kinda). I have Office 2007 but have also installed locally, SharePoint Designer 2010, which provides in the installer, the SharePoint Office Components. This does present an interesting option though – If you have MOSS 2007, and Office 2007 … but want to drag and drop into SharePoint libraries … you could (should? Would?) download and install SharePoint Designer 2010 for free, and wrap that feature into your abilities without having a SharePoint 2010 or Office 2010 install.