Resolution for Failed to Render Control ‘createMonthUrl’ in CKS:EBE


Ran into this tonight, using CKS:EBE (Community Kit for SharePoint, Enhanced Blog Edition).  Basically, I get the ugly error below in certain themes and the page rendering gets all screwed up (and the blog post is ruined forever and results in a ‘404 Not Found’ page instead of the SharePoint page).


Failed to render control: An error occurred during a call to extension function ‘createMonthUrl’. See InnerException for a complete description of the error.




Turns out, this is because I had a blog post title that started with an integer (the number 13).  So clearly, there is a little bug in there, but the quick fix for now is to simply not start my titles with numbers :-).  That’s a good enough solution for me, tonight at 9pm.