Hi Folks,
My wife Wendy told me about a little girl named Mariah here in Victoria, who with her parents are struggling right now with a number of issues. While I can appreciate the world is a turmoil of hurricanes, tsunamis and people asking for money and donations everywhere, this particular story touched my heart and I thought I would do what I can to help. Maybe you can too and feel like you know that this donation is going somewhere specific instead of lost in the world of some Fund Raising ‘Company’ where maybe it becomes a new office chair for an employee (I don’t know this for fact but it sure seems that way sometimes…).
I’m no expert on Fund Raising or Charity Management but I do know how to build a website and I know how to provide a link to PayPal, etc. in order to collect cash. So, I thought, lets try this out and see how much we can do to help this little girl and her family. I know that if I started trying to register a charity, etc. that this would become delayed and complicated so I’m going quick and simple here.