WSS/MOSS Search Error: The filename or extension is too long. (0x800700ce)

Well, I’ve come across this twice now. I’ll try and ‘splain the details as clearly as I can at this late hour but the simple fact is, if you are going to install WSS/MOSS as a ‘farm’ (i.e. not the default installation) but yet, you are going to have the SQL server and the WSS Application servers on the *SAME* server, you will need to specify the Database Server, in the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard” as the NetBIOS name (short name) such as “Server01” and not the Fully Qualified DNS Name (FQDN) such as “server01.mycompany.local”. Good design standards would dictate otherwise but someone goofed somewhere I guess.

Note: While you can disconnect and reconnect to the farm (specifying the SQL server as the NetBIOS only name), using the configuration wizard, you will end up with both servers being listed in SharePoint Central Administration (and who knows what the future holds for that issue).

Also, ensure SQL Server Surface Area supports Named Pipes and TCP/IP connections.

The error will be like this:

Error in application event log: 10034

Could not access the Search service configuration database.

Context: Application ’28d94628-f68d-4efc-9133-22d31c01c9df’

The filename or extension is too long. (0x800700ce)

The other behaviour will be errors when you try to configure the Windows SharePoint Services Search service (or help service if you are using MOSS). You’ll probably get this error:

Could not access the Search service configuration database

Entering in the SQL Database name as NetBIOS in the search configuration page will not work, so don’t bother wasting your time trying. The fix is in the SharePoint Configuration wizard.

3 responses to “WSS/MOSS Search Error: The filename or extension is too long. (0x800700ce)

  1. Yes long path tool is a great tool when file extension is too long and you want to shorten it.

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